Monday, October 6, 2008

Contemplating brakes

I never realized until I began searching and reading the C900 board at that brakes are such a complicated and opinionated subject. I have been putting off replacing the brake pads and rotors on Black & Tan because they work just fine. They were replaced sometime before I bought the car I'm sure, but that was almost eight years ago. The rotors are not particularly warped and the pads are not terribly worn. My problem with them is that they are really messy. They make a ton of brake dust. I have to wipe the wheels down everyday I drive the car to keep them clean. This didn't bother me when I had the original wheels on the car, but now that I have the nice 16" aeros with dark gray center portion and polished outer lip, I get annoyed. I got a bit lazy towards the end of the past summer and didn't always clean the wheels properly after each drive. Now I'm paying the price since I can't get all the dust off the polished part of the rim. They may have to be refinished. Infuriating! So I have got to replace the whole brake kit and there are a lot of choices and opinions. I don't know what to do. So, I'll start with my priorities.
1. Eliminate (or reduce as much as physically possible) brake dust.
2. Eliminate or minimize squealing.
3. Install the best quality and long lasting brake components available.
4. Improve performance.
On I see Zimmerman cross drilled rotors, regular rotors, Brembo rotors, Genuine Saab rotors and a whole slew of pads available. How is a brake newbie to process all these choices, determine which is best given his priorities or even know which pads and rotors are compatible. I guess I'll have to continue my research and ask the folks over on the C900 board...

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