Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Off Island

So the Saab and I were on the 10:45 boat out of Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard today and back home just after noon time. I was great to get her on the open road and go over 45mph...the first time in over 4 months! Everything seemed just fine on the ride, though I am smelling the leaking exhaust manifold for longer and longer periods of time when I drive the car. It used to be just a few seconds, but now it's a few minutes...while the engine is heating up. I guess this problem is moving to the top of the priority list. Trouble is, I haven't had any luck finding a replacement manifold. I wonder if new ones are still available or if I'll have to settled for used. I hate going the used route with Black & Tan since most used parts are likely to be older than her original ones. If I'm gonna spend the time and money to do a job, I want it to be perfect, so I usually lean towards new hardware.

On a side note, I did find a auto recycler this week that says they have the spoiler extensions I need, so maybe I'll see if they have a good manifold too and just place a big order.

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